The UK and Germany are two important and powerful nations of Europe. In the present research study, a detailed investigation is done on the attitude or trust that the people of the UK and Germany have in the political institutions like political parties, politicians, judiciary, parliament, police, EU parliament, and UNO. In this regard, the descriptive analysis method and T-test are used to find out whether there is a significant difference between varied groups across both nations. At the end of the report, a conclusion section is prepared wherein the entire results are discussed and the reasons behind the obtained results are also discussed. Apart from this, the way further study can be carried out on the basis of obtained results is also explained. In this way, the entire research work is carried out.
In the present research study main aim is to identify the level of trust people have in political institutions across different nations. In the political institutions, multiple organizations come like the country's parliament, legal system, police, politicians, political parties, EU parliament, and United Nations organizations. In the data set two international organizations are used namely EU Parliament and United Nations Organizations. In all these variables data set used is a nominal or categorical variable. The nominal variable refers to the type of data where labeling of quantitative elements is done like gender in male and female. The country variable is also nominal in nature. The sample size is vast as data is collected from 16324 people from eight nations of the EU namely the UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Poland, and Hungary. The variables discussed above in terms of data type are used to operationalize the concept and to test the hypothesis. Totally there are nine variables in the entire analysis process that are used for analysis purposes and to arrive at specific conclusions. It can be said that the scope of the study is wide.
Trust in Parliament
The graph given above with respect to trust in the country's parliament indicates that in the UK there is no trust of people in the mentioned institute. As can be seen, the red bar is high, and after that bar declines consistently. On the other hand, the bar increases before the red bar. This clearly reflects that a large number of people have no or moderate trust in Parliament. In the case of Germany also same trend is observed. Thus, it can be said that in both nations people have no or moderate trust in parliament.
Trust in the Legal System
In respect to the legal system case is different as it can be seen from the chart given above that the blue bar consistent elevation in the bar and the blue one is the 8th number which is nearby to complete trust. It can be assumed that the majority of UK citizens believed in or had trust in the legal system. In the case of Germany, the same thing is also observed. Thus, it can be assumed that people have a belief in the judiciary system of their nation.
Trust in police
In the case of the police high level of trust is seen in the legal system and parliament. A large number of people trust in the UK police. On this front different trend is seen in Germany as relative to the UK in the mentioned nation large number of people trust on police.
Trust in Politicians
The chart indicates that people do not believe in politicians in large numbers in the UK. In Germany also, the same thing is observed. Thus, politicians are part of the system that leads people and plays a role in the nation's growth but they have no trust in the eye of the general public.
Trust in Political Parties
The chart indicates that people do not believe in political parties in large numbers in the UK. In Germany also, the same thing is observed. Thus, political parties are one of the parts of the system that lead people and play a role in the nation's growth but those have no trust in the eye of the general public.
Trust in the European Parliament
The graph given above with respect to trust in the EU parliament indicates that in the UK there is less trust in people in the mentioned institute. As can be seen, the red bar is high, and after that bar declines consistently. On the other hand, the bar increases before the red bar. This clearly reflects that a large number of people have no or moderate trust on the EU parliament. In the case of Germany also same trend is observed. Thus, it can be said that in both nations people have no or moderate trust in the EU parliament.
Trust in the United Nations
A moderate number of people have trust in the United Nations organization in the UK. There are less number of people in the complete and less trust category. In the case of Germany also same trend is seen and people have moderate trust in UNO.
T-test results
In the t-test significant differences are observed between UK and Germany in the case of parliament (p = 0.001<0.05), police (p = 0.00<0.05), and UNO (p = 0.004<0.05). On the other hand, a significant difference between both nations is not observed in the case of legal systems (p = 0.896<0.05), politicians (p = 0.660<0.05), political parties (p = 0.397<0.05), and EU parliament (p = 0.559<0.05).
In the case of trust in the country parliament for the UK (M = 5.59, SD = 8.78) and for Germany (M = 6.58, SD = 10.75) which reflects that both nations' citizen has moderate and high trust in the country parliament. On the other hand, in the case of variable trust in the legal system in the UK (M = 6.80, SD = 8.65) and for Germany (M = 6.77, SD = 8.06) it indicates that both country citizen has moderate trust in legal system of their country. In the case of trust in police for the UK (M = 6.72, SD = 3.07) and Germany (M = 7.38, SD = 5.14) it reflects that both nation's citizen has moderate trust in their national police. Apart from this, with respect to variable trust in politicians in the UK (M = 4.68, SD = 8.95) and Germany (M = 4.58, SD = 6.76) which indicates that both countries' citizen has very low or no trust in politicians of their country.
In the case of trust in political parties for the UK (M = 5.09, SD = 10.30) and for Germany (M = 5.35, SD = 10.19) which reflects that both nation's citizen has less trust in the country's political parties. On the other hand, in the case of variable trust in the EU parliament in the UK (M = 7.46, SD = 17.39) and Germany (M = 7.75, SD = 16.55) which indicates that both countries' citizen has moderate trust in EU parliament. In the case of the United Nations the UK (M = 10.25, SD = 19.64) and Germany is (M = 8.67, SD = 17.64) which reflects that both nation's citizen has very high or complete trust on the UNO.
Trust level with respect to the country's parliament and police is quite different in the UK and Germany. This indicates that conditions in both nations are quite different with respect to the trust level people have in both. The reason behind this may be measures taken by political parties in the past couple of years to come out of the recession or welfare measures. In Germany, people trust parliament more than the UK and the reason behind this may be that the UK does not have strong leadership like Germany where Angela Merkel successfully ran the government and satisfied people's needs to the maximum possible extent. With respect to trust in police in Germany, people trust them more mentioned institute the UK. However, in respect to the United Nations scene is different and people more trust more on it in the UK than in Germany. It can be said that with respect to trust people of Germany believe more in parliament and the police than the UK people. In respect to the United Nations also both nations, people trust at different levels (Valeriani and Vaccari, 2016). On the basis of the obtained results, it is identified that people in both the UK and Germany have less trust in the political institutions. It is clear that in both nations people completely trust on police, legal system, and United Nations as well as EU parliament. This means that people in both the UK and Germany do not trust political leaders, political parties, and parliament. This is because leaders are always engaged in blaming each other over varied issues. These parties follow a pattern under which if the ruling party brings any proposal opponent will definitely oppose that as they believe that opposing any bill brought by the ruling party is their main responsibility. Due to this reason, both entities remain opposite to each other and always keep on fighting against each other. This led to the loss of trust of political leaders and political parties among the people. People have a common belief that politicians do not work in the interest of the public, as they always like to show themselves in the limelight. The double standard shown by political parties is another big reason behind people's responses. On the same topic, these politicians give different responses in different years. This is the reason why people lose confidence in political parties and politicians.
However, results indicate that in the UK and Germany, people have a belief in the legal system and police. The judiciary plays a very active and positive role in both nations (Fitzgerald and Wolak, 2016). They take time but make accurate decisions which is always welcome by the people. This is indicated by the moderate mean value in the above section. Police, people believe a lot because they take cases very seriously and whole night, because of which people feel safe at the workplace. This is the reason why they believe a lot in the judiciary system and police.
It is also observed in the analysis of the fact that people greatly trust the EU parliament. This is because it is the parliament of the entire Europe and works for the benefit of the entire member countries. If the EU parliament does not work properly then in that case all its member states will be affected as their economy is integrated to each other and the currency is also the same. Such kind of valid logic develops trust among the employees of the business firm. Hence, it can be said that people do not trust their parliament, politicians, and political leaders but have full trust in the EU parliament.
People greatly trust the United Nations organization because it works a lot for the benefit of the world. The mentioned organization sends peace-keeping forces to the nations where there is high unrest. In case any nation faces natural calamity then in that case also UNO takes care of the nation and makes available every kind of facility so that more and more lives can be saved in such kind of disastrous conditions.
Current political phenomena are affecting both the UK and Germany a lot. This is because in the UK people vote in support of BREXIT. Political parties were both in support and against BREXIT (Kroknes, Jakobsen. and Grønning, 2015. Now people pass BREXIT but the UK is trying to identify ways in which it can successfully leave the European Union. In this regard, formalities are done. Many people believe that because of BREXIT economic condition of the nation may be greatly affected as tourism may reduce because of changes in rules and regulations in the nation. Rules become stricter than before which may negatively affect tourism in the UK. Political phenomena are also affecting Germany as in the mentioned nation foreigners are adopting extremism and performing violent activity. Such kind of things are not good for Germany (Erisen and Kentmen-Cin, 2017). Thus, it can be said that political phenomena are affecting both nations. This analysis can be further expanded by asking questions to the people about political parties, politicians, and parliament working and their thoughts. By doing so exact reasons can be identified that are responsible for the less trust of the people in political parties, politicians, and parliament.
Books and Journals
Erisen, C. and Kentmen-Cin, C., 2017. Tolerance and perceived threat toward Muslim immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands. European Union Politics. 18(1). pp.73-97.
Fitzgerald, J. and Wolak, J., 2016. The Roots of trust in local government in western Europe. International Political Science Review. 37(1). pp.130-146.
Kroknes, V.F., Jakobsen, T.G. and Grønning, L.M., 2015. Economic Performance and Political Trust: The impact of the financial crisis on European citizens. European Societies. 17(5). pp.700-723.
Valeriani, A. and Vaccari, C., 2016. Accidental exposure to politics on social media as an online participation equalizer in Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. New Media & Society. 18(9). pp.1857-1874.
Descriptive Statistics |
N |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Trust in the country's parliament |
1959 |
.00 |
88.00 |
5.5905 |
8.78166 |
Trust in the legal system |
1959 |
.00 |
88.00 |
6.8092 |
8.65706 |
Trust in the police |
1959 |
.00 |
88.00 |
6.7241 |
3.07659 |
Trust in politicians |
1959 |
.00 |
88.00 |
4.6857 |
8.95528 |
Trust in political parties |
1959 |
.00 |
88.00 |
5.0988 |
10.30058 |
Trust in the European Parliament |
1959 |
.00 |
88.00 |
7.4654 |
17.39463 |
Trust in the United Nations |
1959 |
.00 |
88.00 |
10.2588 |
19.64501 |
Valid N (listwise) |
1959 |
a. Country = United Kingdom |
Descriptive Statistics |
N |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Trust in the country's parliament |
2852 |
.00 |
88.00 |
6.5865 |
10.75699 |
Trust in the legal system |
2852 |
.00 |
88.00 |
6.7772 |
8.06317 |
Trust in the police |
2852 |
.00 |
88.00 |
7.3813 |
5.14420 |
Trust in politicians |
2852 |
.00 |
88.00 |
4.5858 |
6.76874 |
Trust in political parties |
2852 |
.00 |
88.00 |
5.3533 |
10.19075 |
Trust in the European Parliament |
2852 |
.00 |
88.00 |
7.7551 |
16.55923 |
Trust in the United Nations |
2852 |
.00 |
88.00 |
8.6791 |
17.64980 |
Valid N (listwise) |
2852 |
a. Country = Germany |
Group Statistics |
Country |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error Mean |
Trust in the country's parliament |
United Kingdom |
1959 |
5.5905 |
8.78166 |
.19841 |
Germany |
2852 |
6.5865 |
10.75699 |
.20143 |
Trust in the legal system |
United Kingdom |
1959 |
6.8092 |
8.65706 |
.19559 |
Germany |
2852 |
6.7772 |
8.06317 |
.15098 |
Trust in the police |
United Kingdom |
1959 |
6.7241 |
3.07659 |
.06951 |
Germany |
2852 |
7.3813 |
5.14420 |
.09633 |
Trust in politicians |
United Kingdom |
1959 |
4.6857 |
8.95528 |
.20233 |
Germany |
2852 |
4.5858 |
6.76874 |
.12675 |
Trust in political parties |
United Kingdom |
1959 |
5.0988 |
10.30058 |
.23273 |
Germany |
2852 |
5.3533 |
10.19075 |
.19082 |
Trust in the European Parliament |
United Kingdom |
1959 |
7.4654 |
17.39463 |
.39300 |
Germany |
2852 |
7.7551 |
16.55923 |
.31007 |
Trust in the United Nations |
United Kingdom |
1959 |
10.2588 |
19.64501 |
.44385 |
Germany |
2852 |
8.6791 |
17.64980 |
.33050 |
Independent Samples Test |
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances |
t-test for Equality of Means |
F |
Sig. |
t |
df |
Sig. (2-tailed) |
Mean Difference |
Std. Error Difference |
95% Confidence Interval of the Difference |
Lower |
Upper |
Trust in the country's parliament |
Equal variances assumed |
5.874 |
.015 |
-3.394 |
4809 |
.001 |
-.99599 |
.29344 |
-1.57127 |
-.42071 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-3.523 |
4668.284 |
.000 |
-.99599 |
.28273 |
-1.55028 |
-.44170 |
Trust in the legal system |
Equal variances assumed |
.113 |
.737 |
.131 |
4809 |
.896 |
.03197 |
.24386 |
-.44609 |
.51004 |
Equal variances not assumed |
.129 |
4009.054 |
.897 |
.03197 |
.24709 |
-.45246 |
.51640 |
Trust in the police |
Equal variances assumed |
1.661 |
.198 |
-5.066 |
4809 |
.000 |
-.65718 |
.12972 |
-.91149 |
-.40286 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-5.532 |
4726.951 |
.000 |
-.65718 |
.11879 |
-.89005 |
-.42430 |
Trust in politicians |
Equal variances assumed |
4.776 |
.029 |
.440 |
4809 |
.660 |
.09995 |
.22695 |
-.34497 |
.54487 |
Equal variances not assumed |
.419 |
3433.124 |
.676 |
.09995 |
.23875 |
-.36816 |
.56806 |
Trust in political parties |
Equal variances assumed |
.018 |
.892 |
-.847 |
4809 |
.397 |
-.25449 |
.30036 |
-.84333 |
.33435 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.846 |
4178.648 |
.398 |
-.25449 |
.30096 |
-.84453 |
.33554 |
Trust in the European Parliament |
Equal variances assumed |
1.608 |
.205 |
-.584 |
4809 |
.559 |
-.28974 |
.49605 |
-1.26222 |
.68275 |
Equal variances not assumed |
-.579 |
4071.010 |
.563 |
-.28974 |
.50060 |
-1.27118 |
.69171 |
Trust in the United Nations |
Equal variances assumed |
13.556 |
.000 |
2.912 |
4809 |
.004 |
1.57968 |
.54252 |
.51609 |
2.64328 |
Equal variances not assumed |
2.855 |
3906.395 |
.004 |
1.57968 |
.55338 |
.49474 |
2.66462 |
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